Data analysis

Transforming data into business insights

Measuring, analyzing and drawing conclusions from events at the contact center as it is the heart of the organization – its nerve center. 


Analysis allows us to reflect and provide data which explains occurrences.


Analysis of quantitative data from what is happening in the call center

Transcription and analysis of call center activity or listening to the network. Providing a world of insights regarding the contact center.

  • Analysis of qualitative data from the information at the call center

Analysis of qualitative data from the information at the call center

Transcription and analysis of call center activity or listening to the network. Providing a world of insights regarding the contact center.

  • Quality control of the calls

Quality control of the calls

Call center managers perform quality controls on the calls. Documenting the control data in a computerized system makes it possible to map types of inquiries or processes that require more knowledge. Raising issues that arise from listening to calls and quality control, mapping failures in service processes and improving the customer journey.

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Available here as well: 09-8633333 |