Sign language contact center

Sign language contact centers – promoting social and service progress

The deaf and hard of hearing community in Israel numbers about 750,000 people. Receiving respectful and appropriate service at a contact center is everyone's right. That’s why the sign language contact center makes the various service centers accessible in a simple and user-friendly way. 


How does it work? 


There are 2 conversations that occur in parallel: 


1. Video / chat conversation between the interpreter and the deaf person (sign language / transcript)


2. Voice call between the interpreter and the requested service provider


* All you need is a smartphone / tablet / computer with a camera and you can connect.


This service is part of our social worldview, which regards equal opportunities and respect for all sections of society as a top value and promotes the implementation of such centers among business customers.

Contact us... cause it’s all about good communication

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אנא מלאו את טופס - Contact us... cause it’s all about good communication

Available here as well: 09-8633333 |